Best of 2018

Best song of 2018       Image result for panic in the disco high hopes    Panic at the disco, high hopes its a really good song because the song is talking about following your dreams. He walks up the side of the building as that was his dream and he succeeded in doing so. As he is almost to the top he almost slips and gets a grip and continues to walk up the building. When he gets to the top he starts singing with his band. The way he is telling you to follow your dreams just really got to me.

Best movie of 2018  Image result for ready player one Ready player one was one of the best movies I watched out of the year. This movie is all about never giving up no matter what life/ioi throws at you. Although there where movies that tied in first/second place such as Mission impossible- fallout, Venom, Infinity wars, Deadpool 2, and Annihilation.

Most important news story Image result for florida school shooting      This I believe is the most important news story only because peoples lives where at stake and people had died. There are other places that school shootings have happened.

The most important person in 2018           Image result for stan lee .     Stan lee was the most important person in 2018 as he made a huge impact in peoples lives with the characters he crated and made. Then other people took his characters to makes movies out of them.


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